Wednesday, 9 May 2018

English Term 1 - 10EV

In English for Term 1 we have been learning about lots of things. For every English lesson we would start Ms Evans reading, in term 1 we had been reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie. Next we would do a Big Question. The Big Question usually consists of, well, a question. Sometimes it's writing at least 100 words in 5 minutes, free choice or about a topic or a photo. Sometimes it's question where we share our views and opinions. Sometimes it's a few questions about what we are doing in class. Next we would work on what we were doing at the time. Nearer the start of the term we looked at Making A Difference. For this we were put into groups of about 4 and we made a poster with pictures and paragraphs about Making a Difference. Then we studied the book we were reading, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. We did tasks on looking at how the characters from the book made a difference on their lives and comparing things related to the book. We also watched a documentary called Girl Rising, which was about girls in countries where they are considered not as good as the boys and don't get treated fairly. We looked at the similarities between Part-Time Diary and Girl Rising, and how they related to Making A Difference. At the end of each English lesson we would do the Success Ticket. This is similar to the Big Question, but its normally a question about how well we have done for that lesson, or a question about what we are doing or what we have done on the weekend, or how we feel about what we're doing in class or how Ms Evans can help us with our learning.
Some of the work that I'm most proud of is the Making a Difference poster I helped make with my group and the short pieces of writing that we do for the Big Question. I like having a slight hint as to what I'm supposed to write and then turn it into a creative story, but I don't like being rushed with the 5 minute timer.
This is our Making A Difference poster.
What went well for me in Term one was that I completed all the work that was set for me at a standard I was happy with. For Term 2 I would like to continue completing my work like I have been doing.

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